segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2007

S&P 500 Price/Earning Ratios

The most basic measure of stock market value is price relative to the latest 12 months' earnings - the P/E ratio. In bear markets, investors terrified by bad news can drive the S&P 500 P/E ratio to under 10. In the 1974 bear market, this ratio dropped to 8 with many securities trading with even lower multiples. In bull markets, extreme optimism can drive the market's P/E to 25. In the 1995 bull market, many technology stocks were valued at over 50 times their prior 12 months' earnings, while the ratio for the S&P 500 fluctuated between 16 and 20.

Calculation & Significant Levels

S&P 500 Price/Earnings Ratio: Calculated by dividing the earnings over the latest 12 months' of the S&P 500 Index into the cash price of the index. A market P/E of 18 or higher is usually considered a sign of overvaluation. When the S&P 500 P/E drops below 10 the market is historically undervalued.

Formula: (S&P 500 cash index price)
(S&P 500 index prior 12 months' earnings)

Gauge Elements: MagnitudeUpdated: Weekly (as of Friday close)

It is important to consider where the economy is in the business cycle before interpreting the market's P/E. Bull markets are often born out of recessions when earnings are depressed. Therefore, in the early stages of a bull market this ratio can exceed 18 as investors anticipate increasing earnings. However, a market P/E over 18 in the later stages of an economic expansion is a warning of overvaluation. When this ratio dropped below 12, the long term investor has found good buying opportunities.

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Oi, Banco! O PE, vc sabe, è um pouco complicado. Nao existe um PE historico que pode ser considerado como baixo ou alto sem considerar outras variaveis. O valor de PE deveria ser relacionado a inflaçao e aos juros. Em breve, com inflaçao alta, PE sao geralmente baixos; inflaçao baixa, PE elevados. Assunto complicado ma nao se pode dizer "Oh. O PE è 10 assim o ativo deveria ser comprado" ou "Oh! O PE è 100! Deveria vender!". Até!

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