quarta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2008

Um sintoma da crise americana...

Recebi esta mensagem, por fazer parte da "lista" da nossa maior concorrente americana... além do Marketing, ela resume o momento preocupante que eles vivenciam:
"Make a resolution that this is the year you are going to work for yourself and make the move to purchase the equipment you need to start making concrete profits. It has been my experience that even in the most difficult economic times there is a market for decorative concrete borders. Customers love this product and will find the money to pay for it.
The economy will go up and down, however, I have found that when the homeowner curb market cools down the commercial market heats up. Sales do not generally just fall in your lap. You need to be proactive and advertise. I know some of you are saying that advertising is expensive but there are ways to get the word out without spending a fortune. Here are a few examples of things I have done to generate business on the cheep.
I have donated curb to local churches and schools for advertising. I have parked my trailer with signage and sample rack in the back of the truck in prominent high traffic shopping areas with my yard sign sticking out of the sand in the trailer. This should be done on Saturdays for best results. Try bartering curb for services you need.
I was able to barter $2000 worth of curb towards a $4500 dental implant I needed. I have set up a booth at the flee market. If I was still living in Chicago I would create a snow garden with snow curb and try to get the local newspaper or television station to do a story on it. Put your thinking cap on and don’t let news stories about the economy keep you from "generating concrete profits"
Ron Tolf
General Manager.

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